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Pastor Eric

The Role of the Kinsman Redeemer in Biblical History: A Closer Look

Updated: Sep 28

In our society, many do not view themselves as requiring a savior. The idea of needing someone to redeem us may appear odd. However, this concept is clearly outlined in the Bible. From its initial chapters, we learn a fundamental truth about humanity. Despite being granted free will and residing in a flawless setting, we opted to defy God, leading to a spiritual disconnection from Him.


In the book of Ruth, we meet a man named Boaz, who fulfilled the role of "Kinsman Redeemer" for his close relative Naomi, and her daughter-in-law, Ruth. Like so many in our modern day, these women had experienced both spiritual and physical disconnection. From a place of bitterness in spirit and separation from family, these ladies made the life altering decision to nestle up under the wings of the God of the Bible, who blessed them beyond their wildest imagination through his servant Boaz, their Kinsman Redeemer!

What spiritual and physical condition do you see yourself in today? Is there a disconnection from those you love on this earth? More importantly, is there a disconnection between you and the creator, God?

The Bible, God's Word, declares that He loves you and that He has provided the path for you to be reconciled with Him through your Kinsman Redeemer, Jesus Christ! Are you ready to experience life under the protection and love found only under His wings?

Call or text me anytime to talk this over! 706-270-3912 - Blessing, Pastor Eric

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